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How to Reduce Construction Cost in Nepal?

How to Reduce Construction Cost in Nepal?

Are you looking to build your own house this year? Are you worried about the costs you’ll incur for the construction? We all want to build an attractive and durable abode where we can shelter ourselves, our dreams, our family, and our ambitions. The building or rebuilding of the house as per your terms can be costly and intimidating. Usually, the costs for building a house on a basic package lie around Rs. 3000/Sq. Ft. and Rs. 5000/Sq. Ft. on a premium package in Nepal. Moreover, the duration of the project, labor costs, and other many factors make it difficult to analyze, track, and adjust the costs.  

Construction cost is usually the largest chunk of money spent on any construction project. And for a middle-class family, that cost might end up engulfing their whole life savings. So whether you’re looking to construct or renovate your house, you must be prepared for the financial crunch that’ll follow. Unless you have a thorough plan, a keen eye for details, and can identify and handle the hidden costs in the project, you cannot cut the construction costs.

In this article, we bring you a set of tips and instructions that you can follow to reduce the construction cost of your next project. Stay tuned till the end and you’ll be able to make more informed financial decisions on your desired construction project. 

Cost-Cutting Tips During a Construction Project

Draft A Plan:

Create a plan that aligns with your objectives and your budget. Consider all the details carefully to avoid changes during the construction process. Include techniques that will help you stay within the budget during the process. When the project begins, you can refer to this plan and compare if everything is going the way you planned. If it is not, make necessary adjustments and follow the plan diligently.

Find a Trustworthy Construction Company:

A trustworthy Construction Company will help you bring your dream home come true within your budget while ensuring you’re not compromising on the construction quality of your house. They bring in a team of skilled individuals who help you understand the intricacies of the process. They help you with the design of the project, the architecture, and materials for better construction quality. In short, they help you exercise your plan on paper during the construction process.

Choose Budget-Friendly Materials:

Ensure you have chosen building materials that are used locally, like bricks, stones, timbers or other materials that are easily available. Construction costs shoot up into the sky when we use imported building materials. This is also a great time to introduce recyclable materials from your previous crib into the new project. Use reclaimed materials and utilize them to save your expenses.

Storage Strategy:

Strategizing your space storage can be largely economic. You can calculate how much space you require in your house as per your family size. For a small family, a large house would be an extravagant and unjustifiable waste of space and money. Therefore, analyze your requirements about the space and act accordingly. You could also use the space you have with multipurpose furniture and save costs on construction.

Proper Communication:

The team responsible for the construction project must be informed beforehand about all your requirements and your budget plan. The contractor of your house must be aware to put the specific construction trends to practice that you require and can afford. You must also pay attention to any changes that they suggest in your plan and work closely with them to see if everything is going as planned. 

Consider Prefabricated Construction:

Prefabricated construction is a more sustainable method of construction and this helps reduce our environmental footprints as well. This technique includes building the construction materials off- site that reduces the labor cost on the running project and also reduces the time required to complete the entire project. The materials constructed during a prefab construction are extremely durable and thus the structure is very strong and long-lasting.

Adopt Technical Innovations:

Technology has taken an enormous leap, affecting even the minor aspects of our lives. It has also evolved magnanimously in the construction field. Use of 3D printing machines to manufacture building materials, use of project management softwares to regulate and track the construction projects, using drones for sight surveys etc. will help save a lot of time and money. It further helps in simplifying the process and selectively automates tasks that are complex or less significant for manual operation. 


We all want to build a house for ourselves and our loved ones, but building a house can be a hefty financial decision. But we can take precautions to save a huge amount of money off of the construction costs. And we can do this without having to compromise with the build quality and materials. All you need is a well-formulated plan and a reliable construction company. You’ll be all set to construct a house that resembles your dreams and it will be well within your budget.


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